She Told Me She's Pregnant. Now What?

What do you do when she tells you she could be pregnant? Every man reacts differently to this news – some are shocked, some are scared, some are angry, some are surprisingly happy. Many men simply don’t know what to do next or where to turn for help.

Pregnancy Support for Guys

At Hope Clinic, we provide support and help for men as well as women. If you’re facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy, and you aren’t sure what to do next, we can help. Keep reading to learn more or to schedule an appointment today to speak with one of our caring, compassionate staff or volunteers. Together, we can help you work through your choices and understand what to do next.

What to Do if She Tells You She’s Pregnant

When you first find out she’s pregnant, you’ll undoubtedly feel a range of emotions. You might feel shocked, scared, confused, or excited – or some mixture of them all. However, the key thing to remember is that emotions are temporary. You don’t want to make any rash decisions in the heat of the moment. Instead, take time to digest the news and what it means.

The next thing you should do is to make sure the pregnancy is real. A good way to do this is to schedule a free pregnancy confirmation test and ultrasound. This combination is the best way to confirm and date a viable pregnancy.

If she is pregnant, you now have several questions to ask and choices to make:

  • What is she expecting of you? You need to have a conversation with her to find out what she wants your role to be. Some women appreciate support and guidance, while others need some space to process this news. Talk about what she wants, and make sure to bring up what you feel your role should be as well. Most women would prefer you are honest about how you feel rather than saying “I’ll support whatever you decide.” This statement can cause her to feel like she’s carrying the burden of the decision alone.
  • What are her plans for the pregnancy? Does she want to have and parent the baby? Is she considering abortion? Does she want to place the baby in a forever family through adoption? These are questions you’ll need to ask her. You should also figure out your own feelings on the matter. The best way to make an informed decision is by having accurate information on each of your options.
  • What kind of father do you want to be? If she chooses to keep the baby, you’ll need to think about your role in your child’s life. Research has shown that children who grow up with absent fathers are more likely to dropout of school, be poor, use drugs, and go to jail.
  • Why should you avoid making a rash decision? If you make a decision quickly, without taking time to consider your options and feelings, you will almost certainly regret it later on. If she just now suspects she’s pregnant or is early in her pregnancy, there is plenty of time to make a decision. Take the time to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound before making a decision.

Face the Situation Together

The one thing that’s most important to remember in this situation is that you’re on the same team, and your decisions affect both of you. When one of you gets frustrated, angry, or scared – and the chances are that will happen – just remember that you’re stronger together.

Of course, in some cases you will benefit the most from outside help and advice. Hope Clinic can offer support, counsel, and free services to make your journey and decisions easier. Call us today at 601-264-2181 or schedule an appointment online to come in on your own or together and talk about your options and next steps.

Why You Should Get a Limited OB Ultrasound When You’re Pregnant

One of the most important things you can do when you become pregnant is get an ultrasound. A Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound – or limited ultrasound for short – can provide vital information about your pregnancy. Keep reading to find out why this simple procedure is so important and how you can get one for yourself.

Free Limited Ultrasound

What is a Limited Ultrasound?

Ultrasounds are very simplepainless medical procedures that use sound waves to look inside your body. With specialized equipment, a trained ultrasound technician can literally see into your body and gain important information about your pregnancy.

So what is the “limited” part of a limited ultrasound? Ultrasounds are very powerful tools and can be used to find a wide variety of information. In a limited ultrasound, however, we focus on providing answers to some very simple and important questions, such as:

  • Is the pregnancy safely located in the uterus?
  • What is the approximate age of the pregnancy?
  • Does the baby have a heartbeat?

A limited ultrasound is not designed to be a full medical evaluation. Instead, it is meant to provide answers to some of the most basic and important questions in the early stages of pregnancy.

Why Should I Get a Limited Ultrasound?

If you get a positive pregnancy test, you can be reasonably sure that you’re pregnant. However, pregnancy tests can’t give you any more detailed information than that. They can’t tell you if your pregnancy is safe, for example. Getting an ultrasound is a very important step, as it can tell you whether your pregnancy is safe or whether you have a dangerous ectopic pregnancy located outside the uterus.

How Do I Get a Limited Ultrasound at Hope Clinic?

The first step to getting a limited ultrasound at our clinic is to come in for a free pregnancy test. This test will allow us to verify that you are really pregnant.

Once you have a positive pregnancy test result, we will schedule you for a limited ultrasound at a time that is convenient for you. It’s important to note your pregnancy results and the information from your ultrasound are completely free and 100% confidential.

What Happens After My Ultrasound?

Once you have your ultrasound results, you’ll be better informed to answer important questions about your pregnancy, such as:

  • What pregnancy options are available?
  • How developed is your baby inside you?
  • Do you need any additional helpsupport, or counseling for your next steps?

Schedule Your Free Pregnancy Test Today

If you are interested in getting a free pregnancy test and free limited ultrasound from Hope Clinic, call us today at  601-264-2181 or visit us in person. We’re happy to answer all of your questions and provide you with the information and help you need.

How an Ultrasound Can Estimate Your Conception Date

One question many women have about their pregnancy is, “When did I conceive?” In many cases, it’s very difficult to tell exactly when you became pregnant. However,  one simple tool can tell you with a high degree of accuracy when you become pregnant: an obstetric ultrasound.

Ultrasound Information & Appointments

What Is An Ultrasound?

Ultrasounds are simple medical procedures that use sound waves to look inside your body. Ultrasounds have many uses in a variety of medical fields, but they are usually thought of in relation to pregnancy.

We use ultrasounds in pregnancy for many reasons, such as:

  • Safe for you and your baby: there is no known risk to an ultrasound procedure.
  • Easy to perform: Ultrasound technicians can perform an ultrasound in just a few minutes.
  • Very accurate: Because ultrasounds show what is happening inside your body in real-time, the results are guaranteed to reflect the truth about your body and pregnancy.

How Ultrasounds Can Date Your Pregnancy

One of the biggest benefits of an ultrasound is that it can estimate how far along you are in your pregnancy (gestational age) down to just a few days.

Ultrasounds estimate how far along you are in your pregnancy by comparing the growth of the fetus to established growth rates for babies around the world. Fetuses grow quickly, and they also follow the same pattern of growth in virtually every case. That means that by measuring the size of the fetus and looking for certain distinguishing characteristics, an ultrasound can give an accurate estimate of when you conceived.

Why Knowing the Gestational Age of Your Pregnancy is Important

There are several reasons it’s important to get an accurate gestational age for your pregnancy, such as:

  • Gestational age determines what options are available to you: If you are considering abortion or seeking an abortion clinic, you need to know how far along you are before you can get any procedures done. Doctors can only use some methods up to a certain point in pregnancy, so an accurate age is vital.
  • Gestational age helps estimate when you possibly conceived: Knowing how far along you are helps you estimate your conception date. You may want this for personal reasons. You might also need it in order to determine who the father of the baby is.
  • Gestational age determines your due date: Babies are generally born 40 weeks after conception. By knowing approximately how far along you are in your pregnancy, you can determine when you are most likely to give birth and make adequate preparations.

Where to Get an Ultrasound

You can get an ultrasound at almost every OB-GYN office, but if you don’t already have a doctor it can be difficult to make a timely appointment. That’s why we offer free limited ultrasounds at our clinic. If you schedule a free pregnancy test at our clinic and it comes back positive, you’re automatically qualified to get a free ultrasound as well.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of getting an ultrasound and other ways of keeping yourself safe and healthy during pregnancy, call Hope Clinic today. We can help you through every step of your pregnancy and answer any questions or concerns you have. Call 601-264-2181 or text 669-500-TEST(8378) today to make an appointment and get help.